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How Honors Students Spent Their Easters

Della Mamani

This year, Gannon gave its students and faculty a four-day long Easter break from Friday to Monday. Some students went back home to spend Easter with their families while others stayed on campus. Everyone celebrates Easter a little differently with their own traditions. Here are a few ways that Honors students spent their Easter, as well as traditions that they follow every year:


“I go to church with my family and then we have Easter lunch with my grandparents and cousins at our house. We have like normal Easter ham with other basic holiday foods like green beans, rolls, yams, and raisin sauce (which is a cinnamon sauce passed down from my great grandparents). And afterwards, we exchange Easter candy and just spend time together.”

– Allison Doverspike


“Usually, if the weather is nice, we love to go to the beach in Conneaut, Ohio and pick beach glass. Then we always have a traditional meal of ham cooked with pineapple, scalloped potatoes, and a vegetable like peas. And my parents still like to hide my Easter basket!” – Morgan Shelhamer


“For Easter, my roommate came up with us and we went to see Niagara Falls and showed her around Buffalo. My family is Italian, so we have butter lambs and a lot of food.” – Savannah Battleson


“For Easter traditions, we always dye eggs, the Easter bunny hides our Easter baskets around the house and in the morning, each kid runs around trying to find their Easter basket, and later we go to Easter mass as a family. This year, since my family, I was unable to see them in Germany, so I spent the weekend with my boyfriend, his family, and close family friends.”

– Amy Frosch

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