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October Food, School Supply, and Toiletry Drive

Brennen Grabowski

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), an alarming 1 in 4 children could face hunger due to the coronavirus pandemic. In order to prevent such a harmful statistic from coming to fruition, giving back is the answer. Now more than ever is the time to give back to the Erie community which is currently in need of not only food, but school supplies and toiletries as well.


Thankfully, the Honors Service Committee has organized a food, school supplies, and toiletries drive. The drive started on October 5th and will be in action until November 3rd. Donations for the drive can be made at collection boxes that are placed throughout Gannon’s campus. The items that are of highest need include deodorant, toilet paper, canned goods, notebooks, and more. Alternatively, students can donate through check, GU Gold (on engageU), or directly online to the Second Harvest Food Bank. However, be wary of donating any open or expired goods as they will not be accepted.


The food and supply drive will benefit a conglomerate of local Erie businesses, associations, food banks, and grade schools. Included in this list is Strong Vincent Middle School, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, and the Mental Health Association of NWPA. Any contributions made will aid in preventing hunger and giving students a fair chance at receiving a well-deserved education.

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“No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted”

 - Aesop

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